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Title 2008 ESHRE Meeting, Barcelona in Spain
Name Admin Date 08-07-02 19:52
Dear Participants in ESHRE,
We are very proud to announce that Dr. Bryan Woodward of Nottingham University, UK has been      asked to speak at the ESHRE meeting regarding the extraordinary results that he achieved while      using the XYClone for Laser Assisted Hatching. 

It will be a fantastic opportunity to hear about these phenomenal fertilization and development          results.

Secondarily there has recently been an incredible discovery made regarding how to predict the          quality of embryos as well as predict which will survive.  This paper was recently published in The        Journal of Human Reproduction, and has identified 400 clearly unique genes that predict successful    implantation with incredible accuracy. 

Most importantly for all of us it was the Hamilton Thorne laser that was used and called out by name as a critical part of cell collection process.

I encourage you to come by the Hamilton Thorne Booth, Booth number #95 & #96 during the ESHRE conference and visit with Lisa Ng or BJ Ham with details as below. 

Lisa Ng and I will be able to assist you with greater details of these exciting applications and            publications for the Hamilton Thorne Laser products XYClone and Zilos-tk..

We look forward to seeing you at ESHRE in Barcelona, Spain during 7-9 July this year.

Lisa Ng                                                            BJ Ham
Director of Sales – Asia                                    Marketing & Managing Director
Hamilton Thorne Biosciences                            Rezent Microsystems Korea
348 Kang Ching Rd 04-171, T                          617, Cresyntower III, 246-14
Singapore 610348                                            Guui-dong, Gwangjin-gu,
Tel : +65 90674755                                          Seoul, Korea
Fax : +65 6265 8638                                        Tel : +822 456 2982
Asia Cell phone : +65 922 65 981                    Mobile : +8211 244 1014
lisang@hamiltonthorne.com                                  bjham@rezent-microsystems.com
lisang@singnet.com.sg                                        bjham1014@yahoo.co.kr
www.hamiltonthorne.com                                    www.rezent-microsystems.com